First Round of Abstract Submission Ends: Apr 30, 2024
Extended Early Bird Ends: Jan 28, 2024

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Wenjian Pan
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Title: Shared Urban Ecologies: Positioning and Regenerating Informal Dwelling Systems in Transforming Era
Wenjian Pan is an associate professor of Humanities, Sustainable Architecture, and Ecological Urbanism in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). He worked for architectural firms in Shanghai during the years 2012-2014 and developed his interest in the social and environmental consequences of rapid transformation in Asian metropolises. Since his doctoral research at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2015, he has worked in the Faculty of Architecture’s Urban Ecologies Design Lab for eight years. Pan views the emerging urban and humanistic phenomena in a systematic and interdisciplinary perspective and adopts mix-method for investigations. His research examines the diverse environmental performances of super high-density neighbourhoods and their impacts on city social-ecological systems. His research projects have been presented widely, and published in Urban Ecology, Landscape and Urban Planning, Land Use Policy, Building and Environment, and the Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, among others.
Dr. XU Shi-Yu
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Title: Deciphering Architectural Drawings: Automatic Recognition of Structural Components in Floor Plans
Dr. XU is currently an Associate Professor in the Civil and Construction Engineering Department at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan, R.O.C.). He obtained his Ph.D. and his first M.S. degrees from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles (U.S.A.) and the Department of Architecture at National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan, R.O.C.), respectively.

Dr. XU's primary research areas encompass structural and earthquake engineering, nonlinear modeling of concrete beam-column elements, analysis and design of earth retaining structures and highway bridges, as well as computer-aided architectural design and structural analysis. He has developed reliable numerical and analytical models applicable in routine design work for evaluating the responses of RC columns and earth-retaining structures during earthquakes.

Having extensive knowledge in the fields of the built environment, Dr. XU endeavors to bridge the gap between architectural design and structural engineering, with the ultimate goal of integrating them with the latest advancements in artificial intelligence technology. Through his dedication to research and teaching, Dr. XU continues to make significant contributions to the advancement of engineering practices and the development of innovative solutions for the challenges faced in the field.
Prof. John Kevern
University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA
Title: Multi-Functional Pavements for Climate Resiliency?
Dr. Kevern is a Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of the Division of the Natural and Built Environment at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and is an executive cabinet member for the Missouri Center for Transportation Innovation. He is an internationally recognized expert on pervious concrete, concrete durability, and non-traditional concrete applications. He received his Ph.D. from Iowa State University. Dr. Kevern has been named one of the top five most influential people in the concrete industry by concrete construction magazine for his work with pervious concrete and is a Fellow of the American Concrete Institute (ACI). He is active at Transportation Research Board (TRB) and is secretary of ACI committee 522 on pervious concrete. He is an editor for the ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering and the Journal of Innovative Infrastructure Solutions. Some of his current research topics include evaluation of the effect anti-icing practices have on concrete durability, quantifying quality curing, implementing low CO2 concrete strategies, biomechanical assessment of pavement slip and fall potential, improving water quality using cement-based filters, and implementation of permeable pavements to improve climate resiliency in South Africa. He has authored over 140 journal articles, papers, and reports and has been an invited presenter over 200 times at US and international conferences.
Dr. Bing CHEN
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Title: Emerging contaminants and oil spills in marine and coastal environments
Dr. Bing Chen is UArctic Research Chair in Marine and Coastal Environmental Engineering, Professor in Environmental Engineering, Director of Northern Region Persistent Organic Pollution Control (NRPOP) Lab, and Associate Dean of Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. He also serves as the founding Director of a global Network on Persistent, Emerging and Organic PoLlution in the Environment (PEOPLE). He is a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), and Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), and a Member of European Academy of Sciences & Arts (EASA) and Royal Society of Canada (RSC).

He is an internationally recognized leader in environmental engineering particularly in oil spill response, emerging contaminant transport and fate, marine and coastal pollution mitigation, water and wastewater treatment, and AI-aided decision making, with emphases on climate change and harsh environmental conditions. He has co-authored 500+ publications and 8 patents/disclosures and trained over 80 thesis-based graduate students and postdocs. He currently serves as President-Elect of Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), Affiliated Faculty with University of California Berkeley, Editor-in-Chief of Environmental Systems Research, etc. As a registered Professional Engineer in Canada, he has provided his advisory services to government, industry, NGOs, and communities globally.
Dr. Alois Vorwagner
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Austria
Title: New methods for network-wide assessment to extend the service life of transport infrastructure structures
Dr. Alois Vorwagner (PHD in Civil Engineering) works at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology as team leader for Structural Assessment and Dynamics. His research focus are in infrastructure topics such as bridge engineering, structural dynamics, ground vibrations, railway dynamics, earthquake engineering, structural health monitoring and life cycle assessment. He is an expert in concrete engineering, structural dynamics, load model development for road and rail bridges, structural health monitoring, retrofitting and strengthening techniques and author of more than 80 scientific publications, as well as a representative in various associations (FIB International Federation for Structural Concrete, EURNEX the EUropean rail Research Network of Excellence, IABSE International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering...) and standardisation committees.
Dr. Rehan Sadiq
University of British Columbia, Canada
Title: “One Water Approach” – A Case of Small and Medium-sized Municipalities
Dr. Rehan Sadiq is a Professor of Civil Engineering and Distinguished University Scholar, and currently holds a Provost and VP Academic position at the University of British Columbia (UBC) | Okanagan campus. He is also a co-lead of Life Cycle Management Laboratory. Dr. Sadiq is a leading researcher in the areas of asset management of water supply systems, environmental risk analysis and lifecycle assessment of built environment. He has served and chaired numerous international scientific committees and conferences and sits on the editorial board of many international journals in his field of research. Dr. Sadiq is a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering (FCAE), Canadian Society of Civil Engineering (FCSE), Engineers Canada (FEC) and Engineering Institute of Canada (FEIC).
Dr. Zoran Vojinovic
IHE Delft, Netherlands
Title: Nature-Based Solutions for Water Management and Climate Adaptation: Lessons Learnt from the RECONECT Project
Zoran’s expertise is in Water Systems, Risk Assessment, Climate Change Adaptation and Hydroinformatics. Zoran has over 25 years of working in public and private sectors as well as in academia covering various aspects in the water sector in New Zealand, Australia, Asia, Europe, Central and South America and the Caribbean. He has authored/co-authored publications on a range of water-related topics and he is the initiator of book series in Urban Hydroinformatics that led to a paradigm shift within the field.

Zoran works for IHE Delft, Institute for Water Education in the Netherlands, formerly known as UNESCO-IHE. He also has other positions such as Honorary Professor position at the Centre for Water Systems University of Exeter (UK), Adjunct Professor at the National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan), Visiting Professor at the University of Belgrade (Serbia) and Guest Faculty at the Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand).

Zoran has been working closely with various international and national donors and development organisations such as the European Commission (EC), the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank and UN agencies, notably the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and he has been advisor to governments on matters related to urban water systems, flood risk mitigation and climate change adaptation. In 2013, he has been awarded the Water Champion recognition by the Asian Development Bank for his work in Asia.

Zoran currently leads the EC-funded RECONECT project which brings together 35 international partners to demonstrate and upscale large-scale Nature-Based Solutions across Europe, Asia, Central and South America and the Caribbean (http://www.reconect.eu/).
Dr. Zorana Mijic
Title: Earthquake Risk in Changing Climate
Zorana Mijic is an Assistant Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg. She earned her Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2022 and her M.S. and B.S. in CEE from the University of Maryland, College Park, in 2017 and 2016, respectively. Her primary area of research involves natural and climate change-induced hazards engineering. Prof. Mijic has conducted extensive research in the field of seismic liquefaction. As a visiting researcher in New Zealand at the University of Canterbury and Tonkin and Taylor Ltd., she worked on projects addressing the liquefaction-induced damage caused by the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquakes. Prof. Mijic has developed a unique liquefaction ejecta database and authored multiple journal and conference papers. She is currently serving on Earthquake Engineering Research Institute’s (EERI’s) Public Policy and Advocacy Committee that advocates comprehensive and realistic measures for reducing the harmful effects of earthquakes. Recently, Prof. Mijic has been involved in an interdisciplinary project aimed at understanding and mitigating the negative effects of urban flooding on infrastructure in disadvantaged neighborhoods of Pennsylvania and Maryland.
Dr. Victor Chang
Monash University, Australia
Title: Optimizing Building Operations and Enhancing Occupants' Well-being: The Synergy of IoT and Machine Learning in Modern Buildings
Dr. Chang is an Associate Professor and head of environmental engineering at Monash University, Australia. He received his PhD from Stanford University (CA, USA) and worked as an Assistant Professor at Nanyang Technological University (NTU, Singapore) before joining Monash in 2017.

Chang’s overarching research efforts aim to advance knowledge regarding the interdependence between humans and the environment during the rapid urbanization process. His recent research efforts focus on striking a balance between resource limitations and residents’ well-being in a modern built environment. In addition to the research communications in peer-reviewed publications, professional conferences, and public conversations, Chang is a firm believer in the Research-Development-Translation synergy that brings fundamental research findings to full-scaled applications. The success of this concept has been demonstrated by the first fully functional waste-to-energy research platform (USD$ 32m) in Singapore in 2017, and an evidence-based post-occupancy monitoring framework for a large student dorm using the Passive House design concept in Melbourne, Australia (2021).
Dr. Joe Daraio
Uni of Newfoundland, Canada
Title: Building Climate Resilient Infrastructure Takes a Village
Dr. Joe Daraio is an associate professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John's Canada. He has a broad educational background that has served him well over the course of his career. He holds a PhD in civil and environmental engineering-hydraulics from the University of Iowa and has a bachelor’s degree in forest and environmental biology from the SUNY, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, and masters’ degrees in biology (New Mexico State), philosophy (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), and environmental engineering (University of Connecticut). He is a professional engineer (licensed in Newfoundland and Labrador) and a Fellow of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering.

Joe is currently focused on community and infrastructure resilience using nature-based solutions to adapt existing and new infrastructure to a changing climate. This work spans disciplines in an effort to build resilient infrastructure systems that incorporates socio-environmental aspects to improve community resilience to climate change in the face of an increase in intensity and frequency of extreme weather events.. His prior research has investigated the potential impacts of climate change on storm water infrastructure and interdisciplinary research that links hydrology, hydraulics and ecology. He worked as a postdoctoral research scholar at North Carolina State University (contracted with the USGS in Reston, VA, 2010-2012) to develop models to simulate the effects of land-use change and climate change on watershed hydrology and instream temperature to assess potential long-term effects on aquatic organisms. Joe has made significant contributions through his research in hydro-ecology and eco-hydraulics including model development, methodology, and how to use and integrate hydrodynamic and hydraulic models with biological models. He also worked as a hydraulic engineer on river restoration and dam removal projects with the US Bureau of Reclamation from 2002-2004.
Dr. Isabelle Y. S. Chan
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Title: Underground Space and Human Health
Dr. Chan is Assistant Professor and Program Director of BSc (Surveying) in the Department of Real Estate and Construction at the University of Hong Kong. She is also the Chairman of the Institute of Safety and Health Practitioners, Hong Kong; Co-Chairman of the Associated Research Centres for the Urban Underground Space (ACUUS) – Youth Group (International); Joint Coordinator of Working Commission W112 – Culture in Construction, International Council for Research & Innovation in Building & Construction (CIB); Panel Member of the Appeal Tribunal Panel of the Planning and Lands Branch, Development Bureau, Government Secretariat, HKSAR; Member of the Youth Affairs Committee, Construction Industry Council (CIC); Member of STEAM Alliance, Hong Kong Institute of Construction, Construction Industry Council (CIC); and Executive Committee Member of the Hong Kong Federation of Occupational Safety and Health Associations (HKFOSHA).

In addition to various best paper awards, Dr. Chan has awarded the Doris-Zimmern Hughes Hall Fellowship at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. Her research interests include underground developments and health, construction innovation, construction health and safety, stress management in construction, leadership, culture, sustainable development, and so on. In line with these research interests, she has successfully awarded various external and internal grants. The fruitful results of these projects were widely disseminated through books, international journals, conferences, workshops and seminars.
Dr. Dagmar Reinhardt
The University of Sydney, Australia
Title: Will update soon
Will update soon
Prof. Shui-Long Shen
Shantou University, China
Title: Intelligent warning on flooding risk for metro systems
Prof. Dr. Shen is the Dean of the College of Engineering, Shantou University. Dr. Shen is now a distinguished leading talent of Guangdong Province, China. Prof. Dr. Shui-Long Shen received his BSc. in Underground Space Technology from Tongji University in 1986 and his MPhil in Structural Engineering from the same university in 1989. He obtained his Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering from Saga University, Japan, in 1998.

After Dr. Shen received his PhD, he worked in the Institute of Lowland Technology (ILT) as a lecturer from 1998 to 2001. During this period Dr. Shen served as an Associate Editor of Lowland Technology International-an International Journal. From 2001 to 2003, Dr. Shen worked in National Institute for Environmental Studies in Tsukuba-the Science City of Japan. In 2003, he joined the Department of Civil Engineering (DCE) of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) as a faculty member and Department Head of DCE-SJTU from 2010 to 2018. Dr. Shen joined the College of Engineering, Shantou University. Since 2004, Dr. Shen has been keeping collaboration with other international organization, e.g., Saga University, Virginia Tech, The University of Kansas, The University of Hong Kong, Suranaree University of Technology Thailand, Ecole Centrale de Nantes France, Swinburne University of Technology, RMIT University, Australia as a guest/visiting/adjunct professor.

Dr. Shen’s research interests focus on the urban underground infrastructural system, smart maintenance of urban underground facilities, and flooding hazards prevention and mitigation by use of intelligent approaches. He published/edited six books, of which three conference proceedings published by ASCE. Dr. Shen published more than 424 technical papers in Journals and International conferences, in which over 290 papers were published in International Journals with total citation over 19600 times (google), over 17000 in Scopus, and over 15000 times in WOS. Dr. Shen’s H-Index in Google Scholar is 81, in SCOPUS is 75, in Web of Science is 72. World’s Top 2% Scientist-Stanford University List. His stature is reinforced by the inclusion in Research.com listing of Best Scientists in two fields: Engineering and Technology (D-Index: 72, world ranking: 441, China ranking: 53) and Earth Science (D-Index: 69, world ranking: 641 and China ranking: 29). He has been selected as one of the ‘highly cited scholars in China’ by Elsevier. The nominee has also been ranked among the top 10 highly cited scholars in the field of geological resources and engineering on the academic influence ranking of Tongzhouyun Global High Cited Scholar Database (http://www.globalauthorid.com/).

In 2023, Dr. Shen launched a new journal based on Springer Nature: Smart Construction and Sustainable Cities, and serves as Editor-in-chief. Dr. Shen also serves as an Associate Editor/Editorial board member of four International Journals, e.g. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Geotextiles and Geomembranes (Associate Editor), Computers and Geotechnics, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology (TUST), Elsevier; Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, Springer Nature; Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, Taylor and Francis. and domestic journals, e.g. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering.
Indian Institute of Science, India
Title: Seismic Hazards by Accounting Regional Rupture Character and Site Specific Data
Prof. Dr. Anbazhagan Panjamani is serving as a Professor in Civil Engineering at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. His research focuses on Geotechnical earthquake engineering, applied geophysics and railway Geotechnical engineering. He received the prestigious Endeavor Fellowship Award from the Australian Government in 2009. He received the IEI Young Engineers Award 2010-2011 and the ISES Order of Merit 2015 Award for Outstanding Work in Earthquake Science. He received the Indian Geotechnical Society Reviewer of the Year 2016 Award for his outstanding contribution to the Indian Geotechnical Journal. Now serving as Research Advisor for Nan Yang Academy of Sciences, Singapore. He has also served as a visiting professor in three terms at King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He has published 107 journal papers, 105 conference papers and 1 book & 12 chapters. He is serving as an expert member in National Committees and as an Editorial board/review member in journals. Prof Anbazhagan is an established expert in the area of integrated subsurface investigation and Engineering Seismology in India.
Prof. Geonho Hong
Hoseo University, South Korea
Title: Floor impact sound performance of fiber reinforced concrete slabs
Will be updated soon
Dr. Israel Enema Ohiemi
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Title: Intelligent Asset Management Platform for Hydropower (iAMP-Hydro)
Dr. Israel Enema Ohiemi is a distinguished Engineer currently serving as a Research Fellow at the Department of Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering, Trinity College Dublin. His professional journey is marked by a fusion of academic excellence, research innovation, and practical expertise. Dr. Ohiemi specializes in the design and optimization of energy-efficient Turbomachinery systems, with a particular focus on low-head axial flow turbines (AFT). Currently, he is contributing to the iAMP-Hydro project, which aims to revolutionize hydropower management through the development of digital solutions, including condition monitoring, predictive maintenance modelling, ecological status monitoring, water management, and improved weather and flow forecasting. Through his dynamic profile and dedication to advancing the frontiers of mechanical engineering and energy optimization, Dr. Ohiemi emerges as a pivotal figure driving progress and innovation in his field.
Margaret M. MacDonell
Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Title: Environmental Risk Framework to Advance New Plastics and the Circular Economy
Dr. Margaret MacDonell is Department Head for Radiological, Chemical, and Environmental Risk Analysis in the Environmental Science Division of Argonne National Laboratory. Her research focuses on mixed environmental exposures, joint toxicity, and cumulative risk analyses with recent applications emphasizing sustainability, resilience, and responsible innovation for the circular economy. She has served on National Academies Committees related to human exposure, toxicity, and risk, and she is a Fellow and past President of the Society for Risk Analysis, a Fellow of the Waste Management Symposium, and a senior scientist in the University of Chicago Consortium for Advanced Science and Engineering.